Kherington showed up at my house right on time looking fabulous, as expected from a fashion expert. She was very professional and I was comfortable inviting her to take over my closet.
She provided me with a Closet Cleanout Checklist to review while she emptied my closet.
She asked me a few questions about how I choose outfits each day to determine the best organizational method. Because I do my nails with such prominent color stories, we decided that organizing by color would be best for me. Once I paint my nails bright blue, I need to find outfits by color that will be complimentary until I change my polish again.

As we were getting into a good groove of putting things back in the closet I was starting to gain more confidence in my own personal style. I was learning that I have a good eye for the shapes and colors that suit me. When I asked her about possible pairings, I was dead on, and I already had all of the necessary ingredients for possible new mixes.
I kept a few items to the side to try on and review with her for fit and pairing. I thought I would end up with a bag full of "to donate" clothing, but I only purged four items! A good reason to have your closet reviewed is to gain a new respect for your old items.

I absolutely loved the whole process and it only took an hour of my time. I generally hate going shopping because I walk around aimlessly for hours and try on (feels like) a million things that all make me feel fat. Now, I have direction! I know where there are holes in my wardrobe. I really need a black pencil skirt!! I knew this. Kherington has been telling me for two years now that I need a black pencil skirt.
Even though Kherington is a friend, coworker and her services are free, I wanted to give her something for her efforts. Since I have known her she has given me confidence in my style choices and the courage to buy red pants. More than that, she has given me her friendship which has been the greatest gift of all. She is one amazing woman. Kherington sees the good in all people, she is always graceful and positive. She is that girl who lights up a room with her smile, laugh or even just her presence. If you haven't had the pleasure of spending time with Kherington, run to Siegel jewelers, go to her blog or follow her on instagram. You will kick yourself for not doing it sooner.
Find Kherington at:Instagram: lovekaymomac
Siegel Jewelers Grand Rapids location
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